Transformer Oil
Axabull Transformer Oil
High performance uninhibited electrical insulating oil
Axabull Transformer Oil is a high-quality mineral uninhibited electrical insulating oil. It is manufactured from severely hydrotreated low aromatic oil and does not have polar compounds. It has very good dielectric property, high resistance to oxidation and aging. It has excellent low temperature property, low viscosity and provides efficient heat transfer. Axabull transformer oil has a high resistance to thermal and chemical degradation and offers very high breakdown voltage. Special care is taken to achieve very low water content in the oil. It is noncorrosive towards copper and does not require passivation.
Specification: IS 335:2018 (Type II)- Uninhibited
Available Packs: 1ltr, 5ltr, 10ltr, 15ltr, 20ltr, 26ltr, 50ltr, 210ltr.